Friday, September 30, 2005

You know that guy on SNL who sort of looks like Rivers Cuomo and was the mustachioed fellow Luigi in that fantastic 'Cork Soakers' with Titty Jackson? Well his name is Fred Armisen and he was profiled in the only newspaper in existence.

Via the venerable Kottke, a list of nicknames George W. Bush has for his acquaintances. These nicknames are pretty much all euphemisms for genetalia.

Why Grey's Anatomy and House are not anatomically correct. Slate lays it down.

MRIs can supposedly be used as lie detectors. Though this research was conducted at the "Medical University of South Carolina".

Japanese encephalitis has broken out in the northern state of Utter Pradesh in India. And the SARS may have sped from bats?

The American Society of Magazine Editors' National Magazine Awards. Lots of links to the past year's magazine articles.

Luke Chueh has neat art.
And so does Eve Wood.

Damn it. I should have thought of this. You could have gotten it here, but, alas, it's sold out now. They have other shirts.

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