Friday, September 30, 2005

You know that guy on SNL who sort of looks like Rivers Cuomo and was the mustachioed fellow Luigi in that fantastic 'Cork Soakers' with Titty Jackson? Well his name is Fred Armisen and he was profiled in the only newspaper in existence.

Via the venerable Kottke, a list of nicknames George W. Bush has for his acquaintances. These nicknames are pretty much all euphemisms for genetalia.

Why Grey's Anatomy and House are not anatomically correct. Slate lays it down.

MRIs can supposedly be used as lie detectors. Though this research was conducted at the "Medical University of South Carolina".

Japanese encephalitis has broken out in the northern state of Utter Pradesh in India. And the SARS may have sped from bats?

The American Society of Magazine Editors' National Magazine Awards. Lots of links to the past year's magazine articles.

Luke Chueh has neat art.
And so does Eve Wood.

Damn it. I should have thought of this. You could have gotten it here, but, alas, it's sold out now. They have other shirts.


The birthday problem

Sooooo classic. What is the probability that in a class size of n people, say n = 30, that (at least) 2 people have the same birthday? Are you thinking less than 50%? Well you think wrong plebeians.

Let's try n = 2. One person has 1 of 365 bdays. If the other person does not have the same birthday, he must have one of the other 364. So the probability for n=2 is 1 - 364/365, or around 0.3%.

So for n=30, let's approach the problem the same way: we'll calculate the probability that no one in the class has the same birthday. One person has 1 of 365 bdays. The next person must have one of the other 364, the next one of the remaining 363, and so on until the nth person, who must have one of the (365 - n + 1) remaining days.

So we have (365/365) * (364/365) * (363/365) * ... * (365 - n + 1)/365.

This can be written P = (365!)/((365-n)! * 365n)

Of course the probability we want is 1 - P. So plug in n = 30 and you get around 70.6%.


Thursday, September 29, 2005


Shit I post at all hours

Squid and the whale? Umm hmmm. Yaya.

This woman was on Jet Blue flight 292. Don't fly Airbus A-320's. There have been at least 6 incidents with their front-nose landing gear.

If you live anywhere near Chicago or Tempe or Philadelphia, go to Cereality. It's a Cereal bar. They serve cereal. Can you believe?

Don't buy a Nano yet.

Fugees new album drops in December. God. First link to

I wonder if that's what Kurt Loder and the "anchor" that looks like the bisexual offspring of Joan Rivers and a fucking Mamba snake John Norris and his lover Gideon Yago do now. I wonder if they work on And that badass Sway ("my name is Sss-way bitches"). Sheeeeit. I could beat Sway's ass. Just kick my Nikes up his vulva.

My name is Ssss-way.
My name is Ssss-way
John Norris - Son of Chuck.
John Norris - son of Chuck


The entropy of this post is high

If you haven't heard, Clap Your Hands Say Yeah is a band and they are good. I hear good things about new albums from "the editors" and "the rosebuds" and "wolf parade" and fuck yeah "Mazarin" and "American Analog Set" and lick myself "Broadcast".

Fries cause cancer. Acrylamide'll screw a nigga up. Stick to onion rings and tator tots. But calimari is so much better. Or clam chowder. Or Baba ganoosh. Or dolmas. Or deviled eggs. Maybe tabouli. Teriyaki chicken skewers. Empanadas. Hanything with Feta. Crab cakes. Crab rangoon. Or bruschetta. Avocado egg rolls. AHI TEMPURA ROLLS. Or! Or samosas! Goat is very good for you too.

This has turned into a post about appetizers.

An article about Conan in NY magazine. Conan talks smack about The Daily Show.

Someone you should google: David Javerbaum. He's the head writer at The Daily Show. And he's funnnny.

If you drive an SUV and you don't have more than a 4-person family and you aren't in law enforcement, please read this. Your lobotomy is causing you to ruin our environment. This will help you understand.

If you haven't Sudoku-ed yet, what the fuck is your problem? I am Mega Man, you Dr. Wily. We be enemies. East coast/west coast, rekanize.

Is the banana on its way to extinction?

Every person is entitled by law to get one free credit report from each of the 3 credit companies (Equifax, Transunion, and something else that begins with an E) every 12 months. Credit is rated on the FICO scale, which ranges from 300 (Mike Tyson) to 850 (John Maynard Keynes). The FICO score isn't free; the credit report is.

You should get yours here.


shows on TV

"Kitchen Confidential"
has been confirmed. I gave it Confirmation. Watch it. "My name is Earl" is okay. I think NBC should start developing projects based on all of the Coen Brethren movies.

"House" is so fucking tacular. I gizz on it with glow in the dark, mutated XY sperm. Oh my oh my. It's got Bobbi from "Sports Night" and Laurie from the good seasons of "The West Wing" and this. This. This Beauteous Goddess of Medical T.V. Drama.

All right. What in the else? "Reunion". No. "Curb your enthusiasm" hath returned. Confirmed. Christ be with it. "Lost" too. "Arrested Development"? Cuck-coo-cuck-ca-cooo. Blessed.


like dylan in the tveeees

Bob Dylan via Martin Scorsese in the next PBS American Masters Series. I love like Ben Gibbard love hisself. Scorsese you wonder? Like "Gangs of New York" Scorsese? Like "The Aviator" Scorsese? No bitches. Like "Raging Bull" Scorsese". Like "Bringing out the dead" Scorsese.


I have the remix by DJ shadow

Yes. Yes. Oh. The percussion group Yes. Yes. Yes. from Minnetonka High School in Minneapolis, led by Yes. Yes. Yes. Oh. My. Yes. virtuoso Brian Udelhofen, can play the first 2 songs from DJ Shadow's Entroducing. Yes. Yes. Labia. Yes. Oh. The video is here at Oh. Yes. Yes.


Albert Brooks is a chumscrubber; he scrubs my chum

I know he was a writer on SNL and, Jesus' pooh, he was in Taxi Driver, but why is this white Detective-Ricardo-Tubbs lookalike still acting? As far as I know, his core audience consists mostly of great-great grandparents, and they don't go out to the movies much anymore, right?

And why he purports to know enough about Islam to be able to satirize Americans' understanding of it is beyond me. Since when is Albert Brooks an authority on the perception of religion — any religion — in our society? I like the other Brooks so much better.


All I do is read the new york times; All i want to do is fingerbang Maureen Dowd

Fuck Apple. Muck Fapple. Apple Fuck. Puck Afple.

The Arctic is melting. In related news, Mike Myers is still frozen fuckin stiff on the set of NBC's Hurricane Katrina fundraiser.

Recycle your cars
you sluts. We are so wasteful.

For those of youseguys moving soon, is it better to buy or rent?

Veronica Mars. No yes?

PBS on the sixties. I jizz all over it.


2 = 1, i.e., i rock maths like the grapes a grapes a wrath

let a = b

a2 = ab

a2 + a2 - 2ab = ab + a2 - 2ab

2(a2 - ab) = a2 - ab

2 = 1

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