Monday, October 02, 2006


halloween 2006

My readers are coming back in droves. Stay cool my baaaabe-es. So a few things:
I was at the Conan O'brien show last Friday. It was spectacular. Except for Diddy.
Uggghh: He is Neanderthal man. He apparently has twins on the way. They've already made a press release in which they disclosed that they just wanted to be called 'twin'. Also, Conan is taller than Godzilla. He is doing his Halloween show in skeleton-vision. See for yourself.

Did you catch the South Park "Warcraft" episode? Chingchong check that out. Also "Thank you for smoking" and "Millions".

Also, a couple things about Alexsey Sexaaay Vayner, a student at Yale who embellished (to put it lightly) his resume in order to presumably get his foot in the door on Wall Street. Dwight Schrute anybody? This is something I could see as an episode arc on "The Office". Maybe I should write this spec script and send it in to their writers. I'll have to remember to find out about writing scripts and how to become a television writer. I've always wanted to look into this. See story 1 and story 2.

Steve Wynn
is an idiot.

Finally, some costume ideas:

1. Kevin Federline

2. Sting Ray with an "I Heart Steve Irwin" or "Heartbreaker" or "Barb-er" or "Crocodile Hunter Hunter" t-shirt.
Stay away from places that serve Foster's, Australian for karate-chop in the groin. This is my costume so piss off.

3. John Mark Carr
If you can pull it off, hike up those docker's, sport that polo shirt, and slick that hair back. The outfit may be better if one were to sport a "Dakota Fanning Fan club" t-shirt.

4. Jeffrey Sebalalalal - aka "Neck Tattoo" from Project Runway 3

Got anything else? manbearpig? Hahaha. High comedy.

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