Monday, November 07, 2005
Madonna pawns originality, no one buying

Borat hosted the MTV Europe music awards last week. This is an advert for the gig that he did. Some quotes from the evening here. Some more coverage . I think this could have been okay to watch, but from what I've read, it just didn't seem that good. Though, confusing Madonna with a tranvestite after she came out dressed in a purple leotard, black tights, and big purple leather boots was satisfying. Yes please. I know it was just a joke. But yes please. Madonna needs to be taken down a notch. Showing up at a Misshapes party dressed like Ms. Mark Hunter was pretty fuckin vainglorious. And now I see you in this. This mess. This one-eyed, one-horned flyin' purple people eater. How fucking original, like that red hair on my nutsack. You change your image to sell records. Isn't there something wrong with that? Yes Madonna. Yes Cobra Snake. Yes Last Nights Party. You are all so retro. You are all so envied.

So Sarah Silverman has a new movie out called "Jesus is Magic". I'm looking forward to it. She's on Conan on Wednesday too.
This is the first time I've seen this: 37 Record-Store Clerks Feared Dead in Yo La Tengo Concert Disaster.
Some of these short videos for Nickelodeon's "Halloween Shrieken Weekend" were nice.
Dejus kryisss. Mike Tyson. Bobby Brown. Jimmy Kimmel. "Monster Mash".
Learn the Napoleon Dynamite dance.
Friday, November 04, 2005
Taxes are a changin'.
Whoa, and so are cabs.
Cars too. This very fortunate man and his family are leasing the Honda FCX, the world's first hydrogen-fuel-cell powered automobile. And some cars are also getting night-vision as luxury car-makers are releasing active and passive lighting systems.
Their album came out earlier this year but 'The Shoutout Louds' make everyone howl, howl, gaff, and then gaff again.
Seafood on menus.
Yeah yeah yeah. Everyone already knows Lincoln suffered from depression.
Jarhead comes out today. I will watch it, but what aeropostale-american-eagle-urban-outfitter-wearing, asian, mohawked, collar-up music coordinator chose Kanye West's "Jesus Walks" as the trailer music?
Awesome awesome awesome. If this research is correct, 1.6 million Chinese men have the same Y chromosome as China's 16th Century Manchu invaders. The researchers, led by Dr. Chris Tyler-Smith, believes this chromosome is so prolific because of the many concubines Manchu leaders kept.
Thoughts of a food critic about her job.
Whoa, and so are cabs.
Cars too. This very fortunate man and his family are leasing the Honda FCX, the world's first hydrogen-fuel-cell powered automobile. And some cars are also getting night-vision as luxury car-makers are releasing active and passive lighting systems.
Their album came out earlier this year but 'The Shoutout Louds' make everyone howl, howl, gaff, and then gaff again.
Seafood on menus.
Yeah yeah yeah. Everyone already knows Lincoln suffered from depression.
Jarhead comes out today. I will watch it, but what aeropostale-american-eagle-urban-outfitter-wearing, asian, mohawked, collar-up music coordinator chose Kanye West's "Jesus Walks" as the trailer music?
Awesome awesome awesome. If this research is correct, 1.6 million Chinese men have the same Y chromosome as China's 16th Century Manchu invaders. The researchers, led by Dr. Chris Tyler-Smith, believes this chromosome is so prolific because of the many concubines Manchu leaders kept.
Thoughts of a food critic about her job.
pbs is bling bling rupees and shillings
PBS recently aired a 3-part, 6-hour series called "Rx for Survival: A Global Health Challenge", and I cannot praise it enough. It is not an exhaustive probe into the history of disease epidemics but rather a concise summary of the diseases that have plagued mankind—cholera, smallpox, the 1918 flu virus, and polio—how they work, and how they were eradicated. I had no idea that there were a group of smallpox eradication volunteers, many of them shaggy, long-haired 70s Americans, who traversed India and Africa delivering the vaccine to smallpox victims. I had no idea that the primary reason polio has not been completely eradicated is because in countries like India and Nigeria doctors are facing resistance from conservative Muslims who refuse to take the vaccination for religious reasons. Nigeria is home to 80% of the polio cases that exist in the world today. The program also comments on current epidemics that scientists have not been able to thwart, such as those due to AIDS, ebola, and, though not yet an epidemic, avian bird flu. This mini-series was heavily funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. They fund scores of programs like these, not to mention the money they donate to the organizations whose mission it is to reduce or eliminate the prevalence of killer diseases in third-world countries. I'm not sure the argument that Microsoft is the devil incarnate really matters to me anymore.
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
go to walmart to watch pbs whilst literally reading twain and listening to Olga Sarantos
"Walmart has what?," you ask. A war room. "A what?" A war room. Walmart hired presidential advisors from Ronald Reagon's and Bill Clinton's administrations to improve its image in reponse to critics who believe that it treats its employees poorly. One of those critics is Robert Greenwald, director of the upcoming documentary "Walmart: The high cost of a low price."
The NYT goes apeshit over Lisa Randall, a physics professor at Harvard who has come up with a plausible theory on why gravity is such a relatively weak force and that an infinite dimension of space could be sitting next to us undetected.
Females may have a greater sense of pain because they have more nerve fibers.
PBS is wonderful. They are currently showing a 3-part, 6 hour Rx for survival series, and you absolutely should be watching. It is as compelling as anything else on television.
Doris Kearns Goodwin was on "The Daily Show" last week, and I learned that she has written a new book about the one and only President Abraham Lincoln and rhymes and lyricizes about his political genius. The New Yorker has a review.
The Go! Team profile in the NYT.
The Fiery Furnaces and their grandmother.
Ricky Gervais' next project will be a film collaboration with Christopher Guest.
Tons of short stories online.
Slate talks about the word "literally", and how it has been improperly used by everyone from Mark Twain to F. Scott Fitzgerald.
The NYT goes apeshit over Lisa Randall, a physics professor at Harvard who has come up with a plausible theory on why gravity is such a relatively weak force and that an infinite dimension of space could be sitting next to us undetected.
Females may have a greater sense of pain because they have more nerve fibers.
PBS is wonderful. They are currently showing a 3-part, 6 hour Rx for survival series, and you absolutely should be watching. It is as compelling as anything else on television.
Doris Kearns Goodwin was on "The Daily Show" last week, and I learned that she has written a new book about the one and only President Abraham Lincoln and rhymes and lyricizes about his political genius. The New Yorker has a review.
The Go! Team profile in the NYT.
The Fiery Furnaces and their grandmother.
Ricky Gervais' next project will be a film collaboration with Christopher Guest.
Tons of short stories online.
Slate talks about the word "literally", and how it has been improperly used by everyone from Mark Twain to F. Scott Fitzgerald.